Make friends and mingle

TheConferenceGame brings people together in a natural way. It provides an excuse to step up towards other participants. It assigns targets to the participants, at random, and almost instantly breaks down the natural social barriers.

The game is designed for mobile phones and runs in the browser of any smartphone. It can be added to the startscreen as a webapp.

Next to this the game adds fun to a conference as it invites all attendees to play together and win a final party or dinner. The level of this Grande Finale  is determined by the total amount of points the participants have earned by connecting, making friends and solving mysteries.

Because TheConferenceGame comes with an elaborate administrator tool, the conference organizers can tweak the game and steer the participants’ behavior in a subtle and friendly way.

How to start?

At the beginning of your conference you invite your participants to register.

The game asks to make a selfie and register with your name and email. The email is only used within the game, and cannot be exported for commercial use: the players privacy is guaranteed.

Detective Collective theme

Once a player has registered, he or she is a detective.
The first mission, the first game to play, is Gotcha!.

In Gotcha! the detective locates a target and starts a conversation.

Once the detective has made some friends (founds some targets) other minigames can be played to earn points for the Grande Finale. There is a catch though: the more two detective play together, the lower the rewards are.
Therefore, it is important to find new targets, make new friends.

Typical moments for the detective to play are during breaks, lunch or social program. The game is designed to played in the “play”, the leeway, of the conference.